Hi guys, today I feel like I want to share these nice and true facts
that I have found while on the internet.
I realize
that everybody knows everything, but unfortunately nobody can put evrything
they say into practice. We are all good when giving advice, but we suck at
following all the guides we preach
Anyway, I am
sure that you will feel that at least one of the these quotes apply to you right
now. Which one? Let me know.
1. Moving
on doesn't always mean you're giving up, it can mean that you're making a
choice to be happy rather than be hurt.
2. Don't
take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired
3. You
were never a waste of time. You were just the harsh realization that I could do
4. Commitment
doesn't scare me, the thought of committing to the wrong person does.
5. Everyone
comes into your life for a reason; some good, some bad. They shape, form and
break us. But in the end they make us who we are.
6. She
comes off as strong, but maybe she fell asleep crying. She acts like nothing is
wrong, but maybe she's just really good at lying.
7. I'm
currently making some changes in my life. If you don't hear from me anymore,
you're probably one of them.
8. Never
hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy. They're the
ones who think that you're better than them.
say hate is a strong word, but so is love and people throw that around like
it's nothing.
10. The best revenge is to show them that your life is getting better after
they're gone.
11. There's
no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right
time, with the right person, for the best reason.
12. Single
and in a relationship are just titles. Your heart determines your true
relationship status.
13. What I
learned about life: it goes on. What I learned about love: it doesnt last. What
I learned about people: they change fast
14. I don’t
care about your past. All I care is to know whether there’s a place for me in
your future.
15. Some
people act like jerks so they won't get hurt. Some people are jerks because
they got hurt.
16. It's
awesome how you can fall in love with a person you didn't even notice the first
time you met.
17. Be the
girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be
classy, anything but trashy.
18. Being
single doesnt mean you are weak, it means your strong enough to wait for what
you deserve.
19. Its
easier to fake a smile than explaining why youíre sad
20. Everyday,
I fight back the urge to text or talk to you, telling myself that if you
wanted, you WOULD.
21. A true
relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No
secrets and no lies.
22. Emotionally:
I'm in pain Mentally: I'm depressed Spiritually: I'm stressed Physically: I
23. Go for
someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk and
chance just to be with you.
24. I hate the feeling
when you have to say goodbye to someone you want to spend every minute with.
25. Just
because she isn't your definition of beautiful.. Doesn't mean she is ugly.
26. Tell a
girl she's beautiful a million times, and she'll never believe you. Call her
ugly once, and she'll never forget it
27. Missing someone who doesn't miss you back in return is probably one of
the worst feelings anyone can feel.
28. Every time I
start to ignore and act as if I don't care, there you go again showing up and
messing up my mind.
29. I think I'm
afraid to be happy because whenever you do get too happy, something bad always
30. Be kind and
friendly to every person you meet, They're fighting a battle you know nothing
31. Disney
should make a hairless Princess so that the little girls with Cancer can feel
32. Stop
focusing so much on needing someone, and work on being the one someone needs.
33. It’s sad
when people you know become people you knew & how you used to be able to
talk to them, and now you can barely look at them. :/
34. What's sad
is once you stop chasing after someone, that's when they start noticing you.
35. The only
difference between your friends and your enemies is you know who your enemies
36. The most
important thing about talking to a woman is hearing what she doesn't say.
37. Love at
first sight is possible...just be sure you aren’t too drunk
38. If you don't
treat her right, don't be afraid when someone else does and wins her heart.
39. Sometimes
you keep someone who hurts you, just because the happiness they bring is more
than the pain they cause.
40. I hate that moment where everyone around me is in a relationship and I’m
just sitting there like ‘I love food.’
If any of these made you had a reaction in your heart or mind, shre this post
La misma Hailey Hatred me pidió que colocara la entrevista traducida a español para su gran cantidad de fans hispano hablantes. Realmente aprovecho para agradecerle públicamente el ser tan amable y dedicada con sus fans, así como la ayuda a este blog promoviendo la entrevista.
Hailey Hatred es el nombre de una de
las mayores estrellas en ascenso en el circuito de lucha libre independiente.Debutó en 2002 y desde entonces ha competido en varias promociones en
todo Estados Unidos, Japón y México.Entre las empresas
de lucha en las que ha participado podemos nombrar Cleveland Todos Pro
Wrestling, APW Chickfight, Ohio Championship Wrestling, New Jersey All.Pro
Lucha Libre, AIW, WSU, Shimmer, Lucha Libre Femenil, CMLL, JWP en Japón, Ice Ribbon
(Reino Unido).Lo que es más importante es que Hailey
Hatred es prácticamente un sinónimo de campeona.Ella ha ganado
muchos títulos y ha tenido la oportunidad de luchar por muchos otros.Ella es una joven que a los 28 años de edad ha tenido logros que muchas
luchadoras más experimentadas desearían alcanzar.
Hailey tuvo la amabilidad de tomarse
un tiempo para contestar algunas preguntas para el blog.Ella es una chica muy agradable, cuya amabilidad me sorprendió y
realmente por ello la aprecio aún más.Así que si quieren
saber más cosas sobre ella, les sugiero que siga leyendo.
Yo¿Cómo se te ocurrió con el nombre de Hailey Hatred?
Hailey HatredYo estaba en el auto con unos amigos de regreso de un show.El promotor me había ofrecido una lucha en el próximo evento, así que
mis amigos y yo estábamos lanzando ideas para un “ring name”.Se me ocurrió la idea de un nombre de doble aliteración, se mencionó
Hailey Hatred y me pareció un poco anti-sistema, así que me gustó y quedó.
y cuándo decidiste convertirse en una luchadora profesional?
Hailey Hatred A los 15 decía que quería ser luchadora como una profesión.Vi lucha mientras crecía, pero no fue hasta que conocí a algunas
personas de mi edad que practicaban lucha libre que me di cuenta de que en
realidad podría ser una profesión.Donde yo vivo hay
que tener 18 años para entrenar, así que empecé a levantar pesas y hacer artes
marciales mientras investigaba acerca de escuelas de lucha libre. Posteriormente
fui a la escuela que había escogido cuando cumplí 18.
te entrenó?
Hailey HatredEntrené en HWA en Cincinnati, Ohio - mis entrenadores principales fueron
Cody Hawk, Race Steele, Matt Stryker y Jimmy Yang.
a Japón, te hiciste de un nombre, luego regresaste para ganar más respeto.¿Cómo podrías describir tu experiencia allá?
Hailey HatredJapón es todo lo que pensé que sería, y mucho más.En mi opinión su el mejor lugar en la Tierra para luchar, entrenar y
son las diferencias entre luchar en los EE.UU., Canadá, Japón o México?
Hailey HatredTodos son iguales, pero todo es diferente, si eso tiene sentido.Lo que los fans esperan ver en una lucha, las influencias culturales, y el
background del entrenamiento de los competidores son todas las diferencias, pero
el denominador común es que todos los fans quieren ver algo único. Eso es una
característica de todo el mundo.
Hailey enfrenta Cheerleader
Melissa en NCW Femme Fatales en marzo 2012
Hailey aplica
un piledriver a León
has convertido en una pieza importante en las promociones para las que has
luchado.Ganaste muchos
campeonatos (la foto a continuación evidencia dicho éxito). Qué titulo(s) es
(son) tu principal objetivo para el 2012?
Hailey cubierta por
todos los títulos que tuvo simultaneamente
Hailey HatredMe gustaría volver a ganar el Campeonato JWP Open Class.Creo que es el campeonato más prestigioso de Lucha Libre femenina.Además, Kayoko Haruyama es la nueva campeona.Siento que tenemos un choque de estilos muy agradable, con un montón de
similitudes.Me he enfrentado contra ella muchas
veces en luchas en parejas, pero sólo una vez en lucha individual- sería
conveniente, ahora que es campeona, luchar contra ella de nuevo.
Sobre el tema de JWP, Yoneyama Kaori
y yo fuimos Triple Crown Champions siendo despojadas injustamente de los
títulos cuando Yoneyama decidido no retirarse. Yo definitivamente quiero volver
a ganar los campeonatos.
El Campeonato Mundial Femenil de CMLL
es otro prestigioso campeonato. Me gustaría competir por él nuevamente.En enero tuve uno de las luchas más difíciles de mi vida, frente a Ayumi
Kurihara por el título, pero fui finalmente derrotada.He logrado muchas cosas en mi tiempo en México, pero nunca ganar un campeonato,
así que bien podría apuntar para el trofeo más grande.
También me gusta capturar el cinturón
de Ice Ribbon "Triangle Ribbon".He competido por él
una vez, pero no pude ganarlo; sin embargo, no fui cuibierta (o rendida).Para los fanáticos que desconocen el concepto del Campeonato, se
defiende solamente en luchas de triple amenazas.Creo que este es un
concepto interesante, y creo que ofrece a los aficionados luchas únicas, inesperadas,
así que me gustaría añadir este Campeonato a mi colección.
Kong y Brittany Knight están en la WWE, ¿crees que podemos ver un cambio en la
dirección del programa de WWE en lo que respecta a lucha femenina?¿Te ves uniéndote a ellas?
Hailey HatredNo creo que veremos un cambio en la forma en la WWE maneja la división
femenina, pero también no esperaba ver a tantos de mis compañeros ganar campeonatos
del mundo en la WWE, así que quién sabe.Yo actualmente no
tengo planes de seguir una carrera en la WWE, estoy más que feliz de ganarme la
vida en Japón.
hemos visto en luchas muy duras.Me
gustaría tratar de comprar la lucha entre tú y Cheerleader Melissa.¿Es ella el
oponente más brutal que a quien has enfrentado?¿Quiénes
han sido tus oponentes más duros?
HatredGracias, me gustó especialmente la
lucha con Melissa en NCW femmes fatales.Mis oponentes más
duros han sido Nanae Takahashi, Kyoko Kimura, y Yoneyama Kaori.Nanae es la última mujer de la empresa All Japan Wrestling en cautivar a
tantos aficionados a ver la lucha libre femenina japonesa.Kimura es tan resistente, y ahora lo está demostrando en la escena de
MMA también.Yoneyama, aunque es pequeña, tiene un
golpe de rodilla tremendo que puede aplicarlo de la nada.Nunca he sido capaz de terminar una lucha con ella sin que la sangre salga
de mi boca.
Hailey haciendo
equipo con Kaori Yoneyama contra Misaki Ohata y Nakamori Hanako
tenido muchas luchas contra hombres ¿Por qué?Algunos
dicen que esas luchas ayudan a aprender más, es así?
Hailey HatredMe gusta mucho la lucha libre intergénero.Siempre he
entrenado con los hombres, así que competir contra ellos delante de la gente es
una progresión natural para mí.Me gusta el reto de luchar contra
alguien que es, posiblemente, más fuerte o más rápido que yo.También los hombres luchan de manera diferente, por lo que la adaptación
al nuevo estilo es beneficioso para mi carrera.
son tus oponentes soñados?
Hailey HatredAja Kong y Liger Liger.
crees que se tiene que hacer para llevar la lucha libre femenina al siguiente
nivel.Tal vez teniendo
una promoción en televisión, como Wrestlicious, pero una realmente seria?¿O crees que esto podría dañar de alguna manera?
Hailey HatredMejor entrenamiento, más apoyo de los aficionados, los mejores
oponentes.No creo que la televisión sea
necesaria, pero si es en la televisión, debería contarse con lo mejor que hay,
la mejor producción, las luchadoras, etc Cualquier cosa menos podría dañar más
que ayudar en el largo plazo.
Yo ¿A quien elegirías
como compañera de lucha en parejas favorita? Si
la memoria no me sirve mal Jessicka Havok y tu fueron equipo alguna vez,
¿verdad?¿por qué se
Hailey odioKaori Yoneyama.Aprendí mucho de ella. Fuimos
ampliamente exitosas, además somos mejores amigas y nos divertimos y ganamos.¿Qué más se puede pedir?Sí, en el pasado Jessicka y yo fuimos
equipo , pero fuimos por caminos diferentes con nuestras carreras lo que
originó la separación.
pesar del respeto, hay algunos fans con actitudes idiotas que se comportan como
tontos en los eventos.He oído algunas historias
de hombres que gritan cosas obscenas a las chicas e incluso a veces los
oponentes masculinos tocan los pechos o partes íntimas.¿Crees que esta actitud ha disminuido? O hay
aficionados siempre irrespetuosos?
Hailey HatredEstoy segura siempre hay alguien pensando, si es que no lo dice, algo un
poco subido de tono durante las peleas femeninas, independientemente de dónde
está o qué nivel está.Quiero decir, hay una gran diferencia
genética entre hombres y mujeres, por lo que ni siquiera es siempre intencional.Como luchadora oír gritar a alguien algo irrespetuoso o pervertido es
honestamente lo más mínimo de lo que he tenido que pasar para llegar a donde
a darte 12 nombres o palabras y debes responderme una asociación con una o dos
- Lucha libre – Dedicación
- Japón - Competencia
- Shimmer - Atletico
- WSU - alternativa
- WWE - gran producción
- Diva - maquillaje
- Movimiento final - innecesario
- Cheerleader Melissa - agresiva
-Jessicka Havok - carismática
- MMA – estilos abiertos
- Luchase hardcore - impredecible
- ¿Cuál
sería tu nombre en la WWE? Maya.Ella es mi personaje favorito de videojuegosy me gustaría mantenerlo 1 nombre solo para ser un poco diferente.
te gustaría añadir a tus fans de todo el mundo?
HatredDe todo corazón agradezco todos el
amor y los cariñosos mensajes que recibo. Espero algún día poder luchar para ustedes en persona.
Hailey siempre con
una sonrisa en su cara y siempre en busca de dar una patada en el trasero para
alegrar a sus fans
Por favor permítanme dar las gracias una vez más a Hailey que tomó tiempo de su
domingo para responder a algunas preguntas.Realmente le deseo lo mejor
y estoy deseando ver más de sus luchas y poder conocerla.
It was April 2012 and Hailey agreed on answering these questions.
Hailey Hatred is the ring name of one of the biggest rising stars in the indie
wrestling circuit. She debuted in 2002 and since then has competed in several
promotions across the United States, Japan and Mexico. Among these promotions
we can name Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, APW Chickfight, Ohio Championship
Wrestling, Jersey All.Pro Wrestling, AIW, WSU, Shimmer, Lucha Libre Femenil,
CMLL, JWP in Japan, Ice Ribbon (UK). What is most important is that Hailey
Hatred is practically a synonim of Champion. She has won many titles and
earned the chance to challenge for many others. She is a young lady that at 28
years old has accomplishments many more experience girls would dream to have.
Hailey was kind enough to take some time to
answer some questions for the blog. She is a very nice girl, whose kindness
amazed me and really appreciate her even more for this. So if you want to
know some more things about her, I suggest you to keep reading. (for the Spanish version go here Entrevista a Hailey Hatred en espanol
JC:How did you come up with the Hailey
Hatred name?
Hailey Hatred I was in a car with some friends heading back from a
show. The promoter had offered me a match at the next show, so my friends and I
were throwing around ideas for a ring name. I kinda had the idea for a
double-alliteration name, Hailey Hatred got mentioned, and it seemed kinda
anti-establishment to me, which I liked - so I went with that.
JC:How and
when did you decided to become a pro wrestler?
Hailey Hatred I decided at 15 I wanted to be a wrestler as a
profession. I watched wrestling growing up, but not until I met some people my
age that were wrestling did I realize it could actually be a profession. Where
I live you have to be 18 years old to train, so I started lifting weights and
doing martial arts while I researched wrestling schools, then I moved to the
school I decided on after my 18th birthday.
trained you?
Hailey Hatred I trained at HWA in Cincinnati, Ohio - my main
trainers were Cody Hawk, Race Steele, Matt Stryker, and Jimmy Yang.
went to Japan, made a name, came back for gaining more respect. How would you
describe your experience there?
Hailey Hatred Japan is everything I thought it would be, and so
much more. In my opinion its the greatest place on Earth to wrestle, train, and
are the differences between working in the USA, Canada, Japan or Mexico?
Hailey Hatred Its all the same but its all different, if that makes
sense. What fans hope to see in a match, cultural influences, and training
backgrounds of the competitors are all differences; the common denominator is
that all fans want to see something unique, thats a worldwide trait.
Hailey wrestling Cheerleader Melissa at NCW Femme Fatales in March 2012
Hailey piledriving Leon
have become a main event player in the promotions you have wrestled for. Won
many championships ( here a sample pic that describes your success) which title is (are) your main goal for 2012?
Hailey covered by all the titles she could held at once
Hailey Hatred I would like to re-gain the JWP OpenClass
Championship. I think its the most prestigious Championship in Womens
Wrestling. Also, Kayoko Haruyama is the new Champion. I feel we have a really
nice clash of styles, with a lot of similarities. We've fought each other many
times in tag-team matches, but only once in singles - it would be fitting, now
that she is Champion, to fight her again.
On the subject of
JWP, myself and Kaori Yoneyama were Triple Crown Tag Champions, and were
unjustly stripped of the Titles when Yoneyama decided not to retire - I most
definitely want those Championships back.
The Campeonato
Mundial Femenil de CMLL is another prestigious Championship I would like to
compete for again. Back in January I had one of the most challenging matches in
my life, facing Ayumi Kurihara for the Title, but I was ultimately defeated.
I've accomplished many things in my time in Mexico, but never winning a championship,
so I might as well shoot for the top prize.
I also would like to
capture the Ice Ribbon "Triangle Ribbon" Championship. I've competed
for it once, but was unable to capture it - however I was not pinned. For fans
unaware of the concept of the Championship, it is defended in only 3-way
matches. I think this is an interesting concept, and I think it provides fans
with a unique, unexpected match, so I would like to add this Championship to my
Kong and Brittany Knight are in WWE, do you think we may see a change in the direction for wwe programming realted female wrestling? Do you see yourself joining them?
Hailey Hatred I don't think we will see a change in how the WWE
conducts their female division, but I also didn't expect to see so many of my
peers holding World Championships in the WWE, so who knows. I don't currently
have any plans to pursue a career with WWE, I'm more than happy making a living
in Japan.
JC:We have
seen you have hard hitting matches. I would try to buy the match against Cheerleade Melissa. Was that the most brutal opponent you have been in the ring with? Who are your toughest opponents?
Hailey Hatred Thank you, I especially enjoyed the singles match
with Melissa at nCw Femmes Fatales. My toughest opponents have been Nanae
Takahashi, Kyoko Kimura, and Kaori Yoneyama. Nanae is the last of the All Japan
Womens Wrestling company that captivated so many fans to watch Japanese female
wrestling. Kimura is as tough as they come, and is now proving that on the MMA
scene as well. Yoneyama, although she is small, has a vicious knee strike that
she can hit out of nowhere. I've never been able to finish a match with her and
not have blood coming from my mouth.
Hailey teaming up with Kaori Yoneyama against Misaki Ohata and Hanako Nakamori
have wrestled many intergender matches. Why? Some say it is because it helps
learning more
Hailey Hatred I really like intergender wrestling. I've always
trained with men, so competing against them in front of people is a natural
progression for me. I like the challenge of fighting someone that is possibly
stronger or faster than me. Also men fight differently, so adapting to new
offense is beneficial for my career.
JC:Who are
you dream match opponents?
Hailey Hatred Aja Kong and Jushin Liger.
JC:What do
you think it has to be done to take female wrestling to the next level. Maybe
taking a promotion to tv, like Wrestlicious, but a serious one? Or do you think it would hurt some way?
Hailey Hatred Better training, better fan support, better
opponents. I don't think TV is necessary, but if it is on TV, it should be the
top of the crop - best production, fighters, etc. Anything less would hurt more
than help in the long run.
would you chose as your favorite tag team partner? If memory does serve me well
Jessicka Havok and you have tag teamed, right? why did you split?
Hailey Hatred Kaori Yoneyama. I learned so much from her, we were
wildly successful, we are best friends, and we have fun and win. What more
could one want? Yes, in the past Jessicka and myself teamed. We went down
different paths with our careers which led to our split.
the respect, there are some fans with moronic attitudes that behave like
couches at events. I have heard some scream obscene stuff to girls, sometimes
even male opponents grab the breasts or private parts. Do you think is has
watered down? Or there are always disrespectful fans?
Hailey Hatred I'm sure theres always someone thinking, if not
saying, something a bit off-colour during female fights regardless of where it
is or what level it is. I mean, theres a big genetic difference between males
and females, so it's not even always intentional. As a female fighter hearing
someone yell something disrespectful or perverted is honestly the least of what
I've had to go through to get to where I am.
JC:I will
show you 12 names/word and you have to associate them with one or two words
- wrestling -
- japan - competition
- shimmer - athletic
- wsu - alternative
- wwe - big
- diva - makeup
- finishing move -
- cheerleader melissa
- agressive
-jessicka havok -
- MMA - open styles
- hardcore matches -
- What would your name in wwe would be? Maya. She's my
favorite video game character.. and I'd keep it 1-name-only to be a little
would you like to add to your fans all over the world?
Hailey Hatred I wholeheartedly appreciate all the love and kind
messages I get - I hope to perform live for you one day!
Hailey always with a smile in her face and always looking to kick some ass for her fans
On April 2009 I could contact female wrestler Annie Social ( follow her now on @annie_social) and she agreed on answering some questions for my old blog. I will be a great fan of Annie, not only because of her good looks, but for her unique personality. She brings an innovative character to the wrestling world and has earned the right to be respected by every real wrestling fan.
The curious thing for me was that I asked her a Shimmer wrestling related question and that next weekend she debuted managing Melanie Cruise. Obviously she didn't spoil the surprise appearance that shocked the Eagles Clud wrestling fans witnessing the event, but I felt like "Oh Annie knew it!" Annie crossed the ocean to perfect her craft in Japan and has performed for some promotions in the USA since them, being the most decorated promotion WSU (http://www.declarationofindependents.net/wsu/). Recently she lost to returning April Hunter in the J-Cup tourament
So here the inteview and I hope to have a new one in 2012.
JC: When and Why did you hooked up with wrestling? Annie Social: I broke into the wrestling business in 2001. A promoter for WEW found me at a bar I worked at in Center City (Philadelphia) and asked me if I wanted to oil wrestle. After my first event I was pretty much hooked. I wanted to be a part of the main show so I started training in Pro Wrestling at PWU's Animal House with Trent Acid, Gary Wolf and Mike Kehner. I've been in the business eversince. I currently work for JAPW, NWE, WSU and NWWL. JC: Who are your favorite wrestlers? Any female? Annie Social: Some of my faves are Trent Acid, Too Cold Scorpio, Hayabusa, Amazing Red, Mick Foley, Devon Moore, Teddy Fine, Joker and B Boy. I could go on forever...Jay Lethal is mad rad as well as Eddie Kingston and Flip Kendrick...there is so much undiscovered talent on the indies. As far as the ladies....April Hunter, Mickie Knuckles and Roxie Cotton are my top three.
JC: I know you have been in many wrestling promotions, being the most well know: WEW, WSU, NWE, IWA-MS and NWWL is pretty famous as well. Where would you like to work. Have you ever consider Shimmer? Annie Social: I'll work wherever I can. I love to wrestle, if Shimmer wants me...good shit.
JC: How did you came up with the Annie Social character. how much % of you is Annie Social? Annie Social: Annie Social is just everyday me amplified for your viewing pleasure. Yes, I am naturally mean and bitter and I rather enjoy givin bitches a beatdown. JC: What is your favorite match you have been in? Annie Social: Thus far, my favorite match was against Detox at PWU's Fan Appreciation Night. He is a really good friend of mine and actually had a huge part in my training. We've wrestled eachother thousands of times and it was awesome to do it live. It was the most fun I've had in a match to date. JC: Who is your favorite opponent? And who would you like to wrestle in the future? Annie Social: Detox was my favorite male opponent and Roxie Cotton, April Hunter and Angel Orsini are my favorite females to work with. I'd like to work a match with Mickie Knuckles, Mercedes Martinez, Sumie Sakai or Portia Perez.
Annie is gonnaaa Killll you!
JC: What do you do besides wrestling? Annie Social: I smoke a joint, check my myspace and go to bed. I don't really have time for much else. JC: If WWE or TNA hire you, but they would repackage you and make Annie Social be a "Maria Kanellis character" or dye your hair and be blonde #17 would you take it? Annie Social: That would depend on how bad ass blonde #17 was supposed to come off. I can't play dumb no matter how hard I try..lol. JC: How difficult was wrestling for NWWL. I guess it would be a bit uncomfortable wrestling naked in front of many pervs...lol BTW your blog pervert of the week is funny, you should try a short myspage show, like how to catch a predator, would be how to catch a internet perv... Annie Social: It was a match just like any other except I was naked. I come from a background in exotic dancing so nudity isn't really a big deal to me. It wasn't really that big a deal in Toronto at the taping. Canada is a lot more liberal than the states.
I'm glad you dig pervert of the week. Everyone needs a good laugh at someone else's dismay every now and then. As far as "How to Catch a Perv"...there's no need to set a trap...they just kinda flock to me...lol. JC: What can we expect for this year from Annie Social? Annie Social: Ass whoopery, some f bombs, bitterness and awesomeness. Some TV time would be kickass. JC: What do you think about the state of women wrestling right now? Annie Social: I think TNA has it right. They're actually giving the girls a chance to shine with their in ring ability. We train just as hard as the guys to break into the business....it's about time the girls actually get to wrestle and have an angle better than "you stole my boyfriend". JC: How do you think Wrestlicious would affect female wrestling? do you remember GLOW? Annie Social: I think of wrestlicious as a seperate product from the rest of the female feds out there. It's comedy...a lot like GLOW was. I'm sure it will be entertaining but it will be a whole different type of entertainment. Don't hold your breath for a "holy shit" moment. JC: Is there anything you would like to add to your fans? Annie Social: I just wanna say thank you for your support. I'm lucky enough to be able to do something I love and you all make it possible. JC: BTW if, a booker wants to contact you, how can he do it? Annie Social: My myspace addy is myspace.com/anniesocial215 and my email is anniesocial@comcast.net. I check both daily so feel free to hit me up.
Here you can watch an interview with Annie Social made by the Completely Damaged crew. A must say is that Annie looks HOOOOOOTTT in the video. This made in 2011.Best part starts at 2:42, but whole video is worth watching
And here an Annie fan made a caw of her for WWE 12. Hmm I like the attire, hate the music nthe video. I should confess that I made a caw of her for the SDVR9 game and had a more brawler attire